We tired making a unicorn marshmallow cup with chocolate drink inside. This dish is a breakthrough MOSO menu item where you can enjoy marshmallows and a drink at the same time. If you sell it at a festival food stand, it might be a hit. Let us know if you make this at home!
*Recipe* (for 5 cm diameter cups x 20)
1. Choose any flavor shaved ice syrup (75 g) and add 10 g powdered gelatin and let soak.
2. Add white sugar (60 g) to 2 egg whites (60 g) while mixing, beat until a firm foamy merengue is formed.
3. Heat the gelatin in #1 in the microwave until it melts. Do not let it boil.
4. Add #3 to #2, and beat it to make it foamier.
5. Quickly place #4 into a pastry bag. If you want to add coloring, paint the inside of the pastry bag with food coloring beforehand.
6. Cut off the tip of the pastry bag. I chose a little under 2cm this time.
7. Squeeze out #6 onto the rim of the paper cups. If you've added coloring, you see some nasty colors at first, but they gradually settle down. Please enjoy that transition as well.
8. Add sprinkles as desired.
9. Pour in a drink of your choice. A chocolate drink might match well...
10. Add straws. Finito!
*レシピ*(直径 5センチのコップ 20個分)
1.お好みの かき氷シロップ 75gに粉ゼラチン 10gをふり入れ、ふやかしておく。
2.卵白 2個分(60g)に白砂糖 60gを加えながら混ぜ、かたいメレンゲを泡立てる。
5.絞り袋に4を手早く入れる。着色したい時は、あらかじめ 絞り袋の内側に食用色素を塗っておく。
Eat while you drink! Unicorn marshmallow chocolate drink! 飲みながら食べられるユニコーンカラーのマシュマロ付きチョコレートドリンク ─ MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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Posted by
Han Book
5:23 PM