[Gluten FREE] Seafood Rice Jeon, 해물밥전 ─ Aeri's Kitchen

This is a delicious recipe especially for moms who want to feed their kids vegetables. It also a recipe for people who can not eat food with gluten since it uses cooked rice instead of flour. If you love seafood like me, this is a great choice for you. ;) Try it someday.


1 Cup Cooked Short Grain Rice
2 Eggs
⅓ Cup Squid (6 Rings)
¼ Cup Shrimps (8 Medium Size)
¼ Cup Onion
¼ Cup Zucchini
2 Tbsp Green Onion
2 Tbsp Carrot
1 Tbsp Red Hot Pepper
¼ Generous tsp Salt
Some Cooking Oil

Yield: 4 8-inch Pieces

For the written recipe:

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