How to Tattoo a Chef Knife Blade with Metal Etching ! Chef Knife Makeover 3/4 ─ Alex French Guy Cooking

Easy Electro Etching using only 9v battery and 2 tablespoons of salt, makes for OUTSTANDING Tattoos on your Chef Knife Blade. Now it’s your turn to customize your own chef blade.

To Episode 2 : Making a custom wooden handle for a chef knife

To Episode 1 : Re-designing a chef knife

I’ve seen it done wrong so many times online using cotton bud ! That’s not the way to perform a proper metal electro etching action. I effortlessly engraved a rock hard stainless steel chef knife blade, using a jar filled with water, 2 tbsp of salt and a 9v battery.

Using waterproof tape ensures your blade will only be tattooed where it should be tattooed.

This is the Series : "Chef knife Makeover" aka How to customize your chef knife and finally make it yours !!! no stones were left unturned : New design, new shape, new handle, new edge and of course new style. To catch a specific episode :

Did you noticed ? I am wearing my own CLOTHING BRAND ! Pizza Shirt and Power-drill guns in the kitchen :) Buy them and support the French Guy's adventures on :

OR I might be wearing my favorite French clothes from Saint-James. Check them out on ! Cock-a-doodle-doo ! Cocorico !!

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I am thinking of making an über cool cookbook, so if you are interested, drop me a line there :

Lots of love,

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