These cupcakes can be easily decorated using marshmallows. Pure white marshmallows are a perfect winter decoration. Baking the cupcakes in light blue baking cups and coating them in dark black frosting is recommended for a sensational gourmet vibe. These rich chocolate cupcakes are made with plenty of cocoa powder.
*Recipe* (Use a largeish cupcake tin with an upper diameter of 63mL for 6 cupcakes)
Baking the Cupcakes
1. Put 80g of room temperature unsalted butter into a bowl and whisk.
2. Add half of 60g of sugar and whisk, then add the other half and whisk.
3. Add 2 beaten eggs in 3 parts and whisk each time.
4. Whisk in 30g of room temperature milk.
5. Combine 70g of weak flour, 30g of cocoa powder 30g, and 4g of baking powder and whisk.
6. Add #5 to #4.
7. Lightly whisk with a rubber spatula.
8. Add to the baking cups.
9. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Confirm that they are done.
Making the Frosting
10. Roughly mix 90g of powdered sugar, 15g of cocoa powder, 25g of black cocoa powder, and a pinch of salt.
11. Mix 55g of unsalted butter and 30g of milk.
12. Coat the cooled #9 with #11.
13. Cut the mini marshmallows diagonally.
14. Decorate with #12. Also looks wonderful with silver dragrees.
15. Done. When you eat this frosting your hands and mouth will turn black. They look cute, but it's like poison. Be particularly careful when eating them with someone special. Or no, maybe it's a good thing?
*レシピ*(ちょっと大きめ上部直径63ミリのカップケーキ型 6個分)
1.ボウルに室温にもどした無塩バター 80gを入れ、泡立て器で混ぜる。
2.砂糖 60gを2回に分けて入れ、その都度混ぜる。
3.溶き卵 2個を3回に分けて入れ、その都度混ぜる。
4.室温にもどした牛乳 30gも入れ混ぜる。
5.薄力粉 70g、ココアパウダー 30g、ベーキングパウダー 4gを合わせて混ぜる。
10.粉砂糖 90g、ココアパウダー 15g、ブラックココアパウダー 25g、塩 ひとつまみを入れ、ザッと混ぜる。
11.無塩バター 55g、牛乳 30gを入れ混ぜる。
Easy with Marshmallows! Snowdrop-Decorated Rich Chocolate Cupcakes (Non-Chocolate) マシュマロで簡単デコ カップケーキ ─ MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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Posted by
Han Book
5:43 AM