$3.18 Tartine with Chicken, Tarragon, Cream & Pickles ! ─ Alex French Guy Cooking

Delicious Savory open-faced sandwich with Chicken breast and crispy chicken skin, pickled cucumber, raw mushrooms and a Mustard, Cream and Lemon spread. #Spreaditlikebutter

Crispiness from bread and chicken skin, Grilled flavors because of those charred marks. This with the chicken, feels like bbq.
Freshness from raw mushrooms, cottage cheese, and cucumber which also brings Tang and juiciness cause it’s pickled. Sweet Mustard is round but it’s got some kick too. Then there’s the Tarragon and black pepper which are bringing pungent, anisy almost piquant vibes to the dish.

This episode is part of a series called TARTINES or Open Face Sandwiches with a french inspiration. Cheap, Healthy and Modern, those delicious recipes are super easy to make. Link to the series :
Direct link to the series : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Episode 0 'The Decline of French Cuisine ?" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXPap...
Episode 1 : Grilled peaches, goat cheese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX3f9...
Episode 2 : Braised Bell peppers, Sunny side up egg, cherry tomatoes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjOXa...
Episode 3 : Slow cooked beef, chicory, red plums https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuGRf...

Sourdough Bread, : 5€ / kg , one 70 g - big wide slice of sourdough bread. = 0.35€ per Tartine. and 186 calories
Garlic : no calories (almost), 1.75€ garlic head, with 12 cloves , used 1/3 of a clove = 0.04€
Chicken breast : 72g and 150 calories, Whole, free range Chicken is 12€, 8 parts ( 4 parts in the breast, 4 parts in the legs) so 1.5 € per serving. (PS that’s a lot of chicken for a single tartine, probably too much now that I think of it)
White mushrooms : 2 small mushrooms = 4 calories and 40g at 5 € a kilo, so 0,20€
Tarragon : 1.5€ a bunch, which is 60g. We need 4g = 4 calories and 0.10€
1 tsp HONEY = 7 grams = 20 calories @ 12€/kg SO … 0.08€
Cucumber : 16 calories for 100g, 1.5€ and 200g per item, used 1/8 (25g) so 0.18€ and 4 calories
Chicken skin : no data found. just guessing around 10 calories, considering how little i used.
Cottage cheese : 100g = 100 calories, €0.92 for 100 g , used 33g so 33 calories and 0.30 euros
Mustard : 2.27€ for 100g (150 calories) . I used 10g so 0.22€ and 15 calories

Music by Jesse James - Never say Never

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I am thinking of making an über cool cookbook, so if you are interested, drop me a line there : http://www.frenchguycooking.com/the-c...

Lots of love,


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