Sunade For Sunday , Ice Cream Sundae Cookie Cups 私の代わりに凹んでちょ 日曜日のクッキーカップアイスサンデー ビューティフォーサンデー ─ MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

We made ice cream sundaes using cups made from cookies. You can even eat the cup! It's nice to be able to eat everything. Use whatever ice cream or toppings you like! Green tea ice cream, nuts, and fruit sound good.
*Recipe* (11 cookie cups, each 5cm in diameter)
1. Sieve 195g of weak flour with 4g baking powder (1 tsp) and set aside.
2. Whip 110g of room temperature butter.
3. Add 60g of brown sugar, 1/2 at a time, mixing each time.
4. Add 50g of sugar and mix.
5. Add a pinch of salt and mix.
6. Add one beaten egg, about 1/3 at a time, and mix.
7. Add vanilla extract and mix.
8. Add #1 and gently mix.
9. In a mold with an upper diameter of 6.5cm each, add #8, 40g for each cookie.
10. Bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for about 20 mins.
11. Remove from the oven and immediately move each cookie to a small cup or similar (4cm in diameter) to shape into a cookie cup.
12. Let cool inside the small cup.
13. Remove from the cup and fully cool.
14. Add your favorite ice cream and toppings.
15. Done. Make the cookie cups in advance, and when you serve your sundaes, people will get excited if you dish them all up at once. If you even do the toppings in advance and freeze the sundae cups, you can serve this dessert right away.


1.薄力粉 195gとベーキングパウダー 4g(小さじ 1)を合わせてふるっておく。
2.室温にもどしておいた無塩バター 110gを混ぜる。
3.三温糖 60gを2回に分けて加え、その都度混ぜる。
4.砂糖 50gを入れ混ぜる。
5.塩 ひとつまみを加え混ぜる。
6.溶き卵 1個を数回に分け加え混ぜる。
9.上部 直径6.5センチの型に8を40gずつ入れる。
11.オーブンから取り出してすぐに ひとまわり小さいコップ(直径4センチ)などの底を使って凹みをつける。

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