Cooking with a Japanese Sushi Master 鮟鱇の共和え | Bart van Olphen ─ Bart's Fish Tales

Fishy Friends! When I visited the city of Shiogama in Japan I had the opportunity to dine at Sushi Tetsu where head chef Mr. Taizo Shirahata made us a great dish with monkfish liver jelly called 'Anko no tomo-ae' (鮟鱇の共和え). This was maybe one of the best Japanese dishes that I had in my life! I asked Mr. Taizo how he made this and he offered us to come back so he could show the incredible process of making this monkfish jelly! Enjoy.

Thank you to MSC Japan and Sushi Tetsu for making this possible.

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See you next Fishy Friday!


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