This huge yam also called Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius and Suran in Hindi grows in Africa and Asia and can weigh as much as 30 lbs… and has many great health benefits. Read below.
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With a flesh that looks like sweet potatoes this yam also has a wonderful flavour.
The large tuber resembles an elephant foot thus the name “Elephant Foot Yam”.
Protein – Elephant Foot Yams contain a large amount of protein making them great as a staple food.
Carbs – Elephant Foot Yams also contain large amounts of carbs that are important for vital energy and sustenance such as potatoes.
Cholesterol – Elephant Foot Yams lower bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol and thus help to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.
Asthma – In Ayurvedic Medicine this yam is well known for helping with asthma and bronchitis.
Lowers Blood Sugar – Eating this yam for 90 days lowers a blood sugar levels and lowers the amount of insulin or blood sugar lowering drugs a person needs.
Abdominal Pain – Eating Elephant Foot Yam also helps with diarrhea and abdominal pain and gas.
Muscle Spasms – Eating Elephant Foot Yam also helps to prevent muscles spasms.
Cancer – Elephant Foot Yams contain lots of great fiber that creates a wonderful home for probiotic bacteria thus helping to boost your immune system and prevent colon cancer. Also it contains diosgenin… which is being researched for treatment and prevention of cancer.
Weight Loss – Elephant Foot Yams are full of great fiber which make one feel full and thus you lose weight.
Cooling – Eating Elephant Foot Yams helps cool the body… great for hot climates.
Estrogen – Women who eat Elephant Foot Yams find they have good hormonal balance.
Prostate – Elephant Foot Yam if boiled with buttermilk and tamarind makes a great treatment for enlarged prostate.
Anticoagulant – Elephant Foot Yams also contain powerful anticoagulant compounds that helps to prevent heart attacks.
Contains – Elephant Foot Yam contains lots of compounds such as betasitosterol, galactose, xylose, betulinic acid, lupeol, stigmasterol, and amylase which are all healing compounds that phytosterols.
Also contains zinc for boosting up your immune system, phosphorus for strong bones, potassium for water regulation, B-6 for PMS, copper and iron for anemia, calcium for strong bones, and many more trace minerals plus Vitamin A which is a powerful antioxidant.
Anti-inflammatory – Elephant Foot Yam is a good anti-inflammatory agent that helps with inflammation of the joints such as arthritis.
Blood Pressure – Elephant Foot Yam helps lower blood pressure.
Antioxidant – Elephant Foot Yam also is a powerful antioxidant helping to slow the ageing process and prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.
Liver Cleansing – Elephant Foot Yam is a good liver cleansing agent because it contains great fiber that helps to cleans the liver of toxins.
Pain Killer – Elephant Foot Yam contains a mild pain killing agent making it great for arthritis and other painful diseases.
Antibacterial – Elephant Foot Yam also contains powerful antibacterial compounds.
Relaxing Agent – Elephant Foot Yam is some what relaxing having an effect that is similar to diazepam on the nervous system… making it great for stress.
Low Glycemic Index – Elephant Foot Yams have a very low glycemic index making them great for diabetics and for weight loss.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Elephant Foot Yams contain a lot of great Omega 3 Oils that are important for preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Culinary Uses – Elephant Foot Yams can be used in curries, made into chips, soups, stews, casseroles, fried, baked, in stir fries, and just about any used that you can think of for regular sweet potatoes… and it can be made into a flour for making bread.
You can order Elephant Foot Yam flour on-line or ask for it at your local health food store… and you can also order Elephant Foot Yam seeds on-line. I buy fresh or frozen from Indian grocery in the USA.
Elephant Yam Curry | Suran nu Khatu | Jivikada or Kanda Video Recipe | Bhavna's Kitchen ─ Bhavna's Kitchen

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Posted by
Han Book
12:14 PM