Tara O'Brady's Chocolate Chip Cookies - Ep 3 Cookie Chronicles In Partnership w/ Guittard Chocolate ─ The Boy Who Bakes

In this episode I put Tara O'Brady's famous chocolate chip cookie recipe to the test. It is a wonderful recipe and gets a lot of support online, of which it deserves every bit. I love this recipe, it is super simple and easy to make and absolutely delicious. The recipe comes from her book Seven Spoons.

Follow Tara
Her Website http://sevenspoons.net
Her Instagramhttp://instagram.com/taraobrady

Full recipe can be found here - http://www.theboywhobakes.co.uk/recip...

Disclaimer: I work with Guittard Chocolate and have partnered with them to produce this series but all editorial decisions and opinions are my own

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