Haloween - Bloody Blood Recipe With Ghost Dosa - Killer Halloween Recipe - Pumpkin Carving ─ Vahchef - VahRehVah

#haloween #HalloweenRecipe #Halloweentricks #pumpkincarving Blood curry

Take a bowl and scrambled the blood.
In pestle add garlic,
Ginger, green chillies, and crush it.
Heat a pan add oil,
Add mustard seeds,
Add chopped onions
Add Curry leaves,
Add some salt and cook it.
Add turmeric powder, scrambled blood
Cook on a low flame.
Now add water and cook for 2 minutes.
Add crush green chilli, ginger, garlic paste,
Add pepper powder, add mix it.
Dosa;-heat a pan add cocoa powder mix
Pour some dosa batter and cook it.
Now serve hot with dosa and blood curry.

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