GOAN POMFRET FISH CURRY | Show Me The Curry ─ ShowMeTheCurry.com

Pomfret, also known as Paplet Hooman or Pompano, is a popular choice of fish for Goan cuisine. With very little marination time as well as cooking time required, this aromatic coconut based Pomfret fish curry recipe is a must try. Serve it with hot rice or roti.

#pomfretfishcurry #goanrecipes #showmethecurry

Detailed/Printable Recipe: http://showmethecurry.com/curries/goa...

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How to make fish curry, goan recipes, Indian fish curry recipe, fish curry with coconut, low carb fish, Pomfret Fish Curry, Pomfret Fish Masala, Pomfret Fish Recipe, Pomfret Curry Recipe, Fish Curry, Pomfret Fish Curry Recipe.

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