Whole Canned Fruit Jello 缶詰め丸ごとゼリー ─ Hey! It's Mosogourmet!! あっ、 妄想グルメだ!

We made jelly using a whole can of canned fruit! It's a simple recipe, using the syrup in the can to make jelly. However, the hardest part about jelly made with gelatin is temperature. Start eating quickly after taking it out of the refrigerator! We tried making three types, and the most stable one was pineapple. It doesn't easily fall apart, and it's easy to cut. If you make it carefully, it would become a beautiful dessert that's sure to impress.
*Recipe* (using one big can of canned fruit)
1. Open the can.
2. Put the contents in a bowl.
3. Crush the edge of the can with a pair of pliers so that it will be easy to take out the jelly.
4. Put only the fruit back into the can. As for round fruits like cherries, try to place them so that they're flat. For thin slices like oranges, place them with fruit of other sizes to make them stable.
5. Take 3 tbsp. of syrup from the bowl and put it in a heat-resistant bowl.
6. Add 5 g of gelatin into the bowl in number 5.
7. Heat the bowl for about 40 seconds with a 600W microwave to melt the gelatin. (Don't let it boil.)
8. Add what you get from number 7 into the remainder of the syrup. Mix as you add it.
9. Strain what you get from number 8 into the can with the fruit. To make the gelatin liquid go between the fruits, press the fruit or gently shake the can.
10. Put it in the refrigerator to let it cool and harden. (About two hours)
11. Warm up the can a little, and take out the jelly.
12. If you succeed, you feel awesome. If you don't, just forget about it. You can still enjoy eating the jelly!


5.4の残りのシロップ液から耐熱容器に大さじ 3ほど取り分ける。
6.5に粉ゼラチン 5gを振り入れる。

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