How to Make HAZELNUT SOUP from Tangled! Feast of Fiction S5 Ep19 ─ Feast Of Fiction

Mother Gothel may be controlling and insane, but at least she makes one heckuva good soup!! Learn how to make Rapunzel's absolute favorite dish in today's episode!

Hazelnut Soup with Parsnips
2 cups hazelnuts
3 cups water
1/4 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. butter
1 cup parsnips
1 1/2 cups butternut squash
1 cup vegetable stock
1/2 cup sweet onion
1 cup half and half

Edible flowers
Chopped hazelnuts

Cheese cloth
Food processor or immersion blender

Begin by soaking your hazelnuts in water overnight to soften them. Drain the water and add your hazelnuts to a food processor or immersion blender. Add in your water, salt, cover, and begin to blend until the hazelnuts are a sludge. This process may take quite a while - please be careful to monitor how hot your kitchen equipment is getting. It is possible to overheat your food processor/blender if used for too long at a time.

Once the blending is finished, strain out as much liquid from the hazelnut goop as possible with a cheese cloth.

Next, prepare your parsnips, butternut squash, and onion by dicing and setting aside.

In a saucepan over medium high heat, melt your butter, then add in your dry ingredients you just cut up. Stir in your vegetable stock, half and half, and hazelnut milk and allow to cook/simmer for 20 minutes. Once the vegetables have softened and cooked through, remove the soup from the heat, add into your blender/food processor again, and blend until it is a smoothy and creamy consistency.

Serve in a bowl with some chopped hazelnuts, cinnamon, and edible flowers for garnish. Yum! A feast that Rapunzel would LOVE!

Produced by Abbe Drake
Costumes designed by Abbe Drake

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