These matcha cupcakes are decorated with fondant made with marshmallow. The macaroni in a Christmas motif was just so cute, so we tried using them as stamps. Looking for some cakes you can easily make for Christmas? Try these!
Making the marshmallow fondant (in an easy-to-make portion. You'll have about half left over after decorating the cupcakes)
1. Place 100 g of marshmallows and 5 g (1 tsp.) of water in a heat-resistant container. Heat the container in a microwave until the marshmallows expand and begin to melt.
2. Mix the contents of the container. Then heat the container again, taking care to watch it, until the marshmallows are completely melted. (If you're adding coloring, do it here!)
3. Divide the powdered sugar into several parts, then separately sift and mix each part into the marshmallow from step 2. You should have about 200 g sugar set aside for this recipe (including for later steps).
4. Once the marshmallow mixture has cooled to the point and is stiff enough that you can touch it with your fingers, take it out of the container. Sift additional powdered sugar onto the mixture, then knead the mixture with your hands.
5. Once the mixture stops sticking to your hands, it's done. You should have used 100g of powdered sugar.
6. You can you the fondant right away, but if you wrap it up and let it sit for about an hour, it will be easier to work with. It can also be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator.
7. (If the fondant's been stored in the microwave, let it warm back up to room temperature.) Spread out the fondant mixture in step 6 evenly, then sift powdered sugar over it.
8. Use cookie cutters to cut the fondant into whatever powdered sugar-coated shapes you like.
9. Use the macaroni as stamps and press them into the shapes. If you press the macaroni into the shapes firmly but not so hard they break through, the impressions will be clear and cute. The fondant sticks to the macaroni easily, so use a new piece of macaroni each time.
Making the matcha cupcakes
10. Mix together 55 g of powdered sugar and 5 g (2 tsp.) of matcha. Sift and set aside.
11. Place two room-temperature eggs in a bowl and mix them with an eggbeater so that they become light and airy.
12. Divide 60 g of powdered sugar into three parts. Mix each part separately into the eggs until streaks form.
13. Add the sugar and matcha from part 10 to the egg mixture, annd mix until light & fluffy and sticky like gum.
14. Gently add in 15 g of melted unsalted butter and lightly mix.
15. Put the batter in a cupcake pan. Bake in an oven preheated to 160°C (320°F) for 15 minutes.
16. If a toothpick comes out of the cakes clean, the cakes have finished baking.
17. When the cupcakes from step 16 have cooled, cut a hole in them small enough to be hidden with the decorative fondant.
18. Fill the hole with whipped cream.
19. Ice the cupcakes in step 18 with the fondant mixture from step 9.
20. You're done! It's easy to mold the fondant like clay to create shapes. It's very sweet, though.
マシュマロで作ったフォンダントを飾った、抹茶カップケーキです。クリスマスモチーフのマカロニが とってもかわいかったので、スタンプとして使ってみました。クリスマスに簡単に作れるケーキとしてどうでしょうか?
1.耐熱容器にマシュマロ 100g、水 5g(小さじ 1)を入れ、マシュマロが膨らんで溶け始めるまで電子レンジで加熱する。
5.手にくっつかなくなったら できあがり。今回、100gの粉砂糖を使いました。
6.すぐに使えるが、ラップに包んで1時間ほど休ませると より馴染む。作り置きもできる。その場合、保存は冷蔵庫で。
9.マカロニでスタンプを押す。マカロニは、突き抜けない程度に強めに押したほうがクッキリとしてかわいい。マカロニはくっつきやすいので、1回ごとに かえる。
10.薄力粉 55gと抹茶 5g(小さじ 2)を合わせて ふるっておく。
11.ボウルに常温に戻した卵 2個を入れ、泡だて器で空気を含ませるように混ぜる。
12.粉砂糖 60gを3回に分けて加え、スジが書けるくらいまで混ぜる。
14.溶かし無塩バター 15gをそっと入れさっくりと混ぜる。
Easy Christmas cakes! Matcha cupcakes decorated with fondant made with marshmallow マシュマロ簡単デコ抹茶カップケーキ ─ MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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Posted by
Han Book
6:18 PM