Chocolate-Dipped Oranges ─ Tasty

Here is what you'll need!

Chocolate-Dipped Oranges
Servings: 2-4*

1 orange
Lollipop sticks or other small stick equivalent
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
½ cup rainbow sprinkles
½ cup freeze-dried strawberries, crushed
½ cup almonds, chopped
½ cup coarse sea salt

1. Peel orange into slices and insert lollipop sticks.
2. Melt chocolate chips in microwave at 30-second intervals until the chocolate is easy to stir.
3. Dip orange slices halfway in chocolate, and then in each topping of your choice.
4. If needed, chill oranges in the freezer for 5 minutes to help harden the chocolate.
5. Enjoy!

*Additional oranges can be used to increase serving size

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Cheeky Chappie
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

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