ONION RINGS ─ Food Busker

YO YO YO people check out my onion ring recipe. I love onions rings, crunchy, onionie and delicious, who doesnt love Onion Rings?
Subscribe to my channel: http://bit.ly/food-busker

Let me know what you think of these onion rings and how much you would pay for them? And if you love what I do share the vid, increase the peace and spread the love!

Did you know that when im not busking I run a coffee business. If you want a free coffee on me go to......... www.crukafe.com

Follow me on
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/FoodBusker
Instagram http://www.instagram.com/foodbusker
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/foodbusker

Do you know where I can busk? Got any suggestion of an amazing food market near you. Let me know in the box below.

For business enquiries: [email protected]


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