We made watermelon "Bekomochi." "Bekomochi" is eaten for Children's Day Festival in the Tohoku region, and is a home-made sweet. Being from Nagano Prefecture, the simple taste of this sweet reminded Moso-mom, of Dondo-Yaki.
You may ask "why watermelon?": it's just because we wanted to make it! This is the start of the annual Mosogourmet Watermelon Series 2017! The black sesame that look like the watermelon seeds go well with the simple mochi.
*Recipe* (for one palm-sized watermelon)
1. Mix dango powder (mochiko or sweet rice flour) and 45g of white sugar.
2. Mix in 55g of hot water.
3. Knead the dough by hand into one large ball.
4. Divide the dough into three parts of 80g, 60g, and 60g each. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent the dough drying out.
5. With food coloring, color the 80g dough red, and one of the 60g dough green.
6. Make the red dough into a ball
7. Spread out into a circle the white dough, and wrap over 6.
8. Spread out into a circle the green dough, and wrap over 7.
9. Divide into 8 parts.
10. Put the sesame seeds on. To make them stick easier, wet the surface slightly with a bamboo skewer first.
11. Color some water into a dark green with food coloring, and draw the lines of the watermelon with a brush.
12. Steam for about 15 minutes.
13. Done. Eat while it's freshly steamed!
We used a jell-type food coloring. We used two drops with a toothpick for red, and one drop for green. To keep the thickness of the dough even, it helps to decide on a center point, and wrap around that point. After making, it came to mind that if the thickness becomes uneven, you can remove a bit of dough from the thick part, spread it out with the rolling pin and add onto the part where the dough is thin.
When you cut it, it comes out beautifully if you try to cut it so that the parts where the thickness is even show. You can also draw the lines, dry it properly, and then cut it.
*レシピ*(手のひらサイズのスイカ 1個分)
1.だんご粉 110gと上白糖 45gを混ぜ合わせる。
2.熱湯 55gを入れ、混ぜる。
4.80g、60g、60gに分ける。乾燥しないよう こまめにラップをかけておく。
Colorful Watermelon Mochi Recipe こどもの日のスイカべこもち ─ MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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Posted by
Han Book
6:47 PM