Dulce de Leche-Stuffed Bananas ─ Tasty

Dulce de Leche-Stuffed Bananas
Servings: 3

3 bananas
½ cup dulce de leche
2 cups flour
4 eggs, beaten
2 cups breadcrumbs
Oil, for frying
Cinnamon sugar
Ice cream

Cut the ends off the bananas, peel them, and slice them into thirds.
Using a vegetable peeler, hollow out the inside of each banana piece, making sure not to cut through the bottom.
Fill the banana pieces with dulce de leche.
Freeze for at least 2 hours.
Heat oil in a pot over high heat.
Place the flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs in separate bowls.
Roll the frozen bananas in the flour, then the eggs, then the breadcrumbs.
Fry the bananas until golden brown.
Roll the fried bananas in cinnamon sugar.
Serve with ice cream!

All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission

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