Take your BBQ game to the next level with this Grilled Lemonade ─ Tasty

Here is what you'll need!

Makes a half gallon

5-6 medium lemons
1 lemon, sliced into rings
1 cup white sugar, plus additional for coating
4 cups water
4 cups ice

On a cutting board, halve the lemons and coat the cut sides with a thin layer of sugar.
Place the lemons on the grill cut side down and cook them over medium-high heat for 6-8 minutes, until caramelized.
Remove lemons from the grill and rest them for 5-10 minutes.
Juice lemons over a fine mesh strainer into a half gallon pitcher. Once all the lemons are juiced, add the white sugar, lemon rings, water, and ice. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.

NOTE: Do not add the ice if preparing ahead of time. Add the ice immediately before serving.

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Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/...

Summer Stomp_FullMix
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

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