Halloween Ghost Mousse Witches' Hat Cookies 魔女の帽子クッキー付き ハロウィン おばけ ムース ─ Hey! It's Mosogourmet!! あっ、 妄想グルメだ!

We made a Halloween dessert using yogurt to make a simple mousse, along with witches' hat cookies that can also be used as picks. It's also fun to draw the ghosts and picks on the paper cups yourself. The mousse should be eaten with mango sauce, for a mild sweetness. If you prefer to eat it as is, please add the desired amount of sugar when making it
Bake the cookies
1. Sift together 35g cake flour, 45g cornstarch and 7g black cocoa powder, 3g cocoa powder.
2. Whip 40g room temperature unsalted butter with a whisk.
3. Spilt 30g of sugar into 2 batches, mixing in each batch.
4. Add 15g of milk and stir.
5. Add ingredients from step 1 and stir.
6. Gather the dough, sandwiching it between two pieces of plastic wrap, roll it out into a thickness of 3 millimeters and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
7. Cut out witches' hat shapes from the dough.
8. Place the cookies on a baking sheet, placing oven safe picks and cake sticks in them.
9. Dissolve some purple sweet potato powder in water, and draw outlines on the witches' hats.
10. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Making the mousse
11. Drain 600g of plain yogurt for about 1 hour. Using doubled up paper towels in the bowl will make the process simpler when flipping it over.
12. Add 10g of gelatin to 50ml of water.
13. Mircowave for 30 seconds on 600w to dissolve gelatin.
14. Add item 13 a little at a time to the drained yogurt and stir (Be careful that the yogurt is not too cold, as it will cause the gelatin to harden!)
15. Add 2 egg whites to 35g of sugar, beating until stiff peaks form.
16. Add item 14 to 15 and stir.
17. Alternatively add sponge cake and item 16 in a dish. If item 16 is too stiff, it will not rise and feel airy like a ghost, but if it's too soft, it won't stack properly, so place the container in an ice bath while whisking in order to restore the texture.
18. Place in the fridge and let cool for an hour.
19. Add item 10 to item 18 and you're finish! Add fruit sauce or syrup to your taste. Mango sauce was used in this example.
20. For the final scene, photographing the finished product took time, which caused the mousse to droop. It should have had a more light and airy texture. Apologies for the edit. The sponge cake and yogurt go very well together!

The whey produced from draining the yogurt has a very high nutritional value. Please try adding it to curry or rice. Our family uses it in making bread and as a milk substitute.



1.薄力粉 35g、コーンスターチ 45g、ブラックココアパウダー 7g、ココアパウダー 3gを合わせてふるう。
2.ボウルに室温に戻した無塩バター 40gを泡立て器で混ぜる。
3.砂糖 30gを2回に分けて加え、その都度、混ぜる。
4.牛乳 15gを入れ、混ぜる。

11.プレーンヨーグルト 600gを1時間ほど、水切りします。ヨーグルトの容器に2重にしたキッチンペーパーを掛け、逆さにしおくと簡単です。
12.粉ゼラチン 10gを水 50mlでふやかしておく。
15.2個分の卵白に砂糖 35gを加え泡立て、しっかりとしたメレンゲを作る。
19.18に10をさしてできあがり!お好みでフルーツソースやシロップをかけて いただく。今回はマンゴーソースです。


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