We baked some Moso-style gingerbread cookies. Since we did not have powdered ginger at hand, we used grated fresh ginger. We also added cinnamon powder that we use on cinnamon toasts, and nutmeg powder that we use in hamburg steaks for authentic flavors!
Mosogourmet is not good at icing with a piping bag. So instead, we managed it using a spatula and skewers. It is surprisingly doable, if the cookies are small! We baked cookies that filled the house with a smell that is perfect for December.
Baking the cookies.
1. Combine 110g flour, 20g corn starch, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg powder, and a pinch of salt in a bowl, and mix with a whisk.
2. Separately combine 40g brown sugar syrup, 10g honey, 30g vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon grated ginger, and mix with a whisk.
3. Add 2 to 1, and mix with a rubber spatula.
4. When the dough is formed, sandwich it between pieces of parchment paper, and roll it out with a rolling pin.
5. Cut the cookies out into desired shapes.
6. Add eyes or patterns of your choice (we used a nail dot pen).
7. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes in pre-heated oven at 160 degrees Celsius, and lower the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
8. When they are done baking, let them cool.
Applying icing
9. Combine 30g powdered sugar and 5g egg white.
10. Apply icing using a spatula or wooden skewers. Feel free to use pre-made sugar parts for added effects.
11. Finished. Pre-forming a hole with a straw will allow you to string a ribbon through it to hang the cookies on your Christmas tree. Wishing happiness for everyone. Let's have fun!
Moso Styleでジンジャーブレッドクッキー焼きました。ショウガパウダーが家になかったので、生のショウガをすりおろして使ってみました。後は、シナモントーストに使ってるシナモンパウダーとハンバーグに入れてるナツメグパウダーも入れて、ちょっと本格的に!
1.ボウルに薄力粉 110g、片栗粉 20g、シナモンパウダー 小さじ 1/2、ナツメグパウダー 小さじ 1/4、塩 ひとつまみを入れ、泡だて器で混ぜる。
2.黒糖シロップ 40g、はちみつ 10g、サラダ油 30g、すりおろした生姜 小さじ 1 を入れ泡だて器で混ぜる。
9.粉砂糖 30gに卵白 5gを入れ混ぜる。
Gingerbread Cookies ジンジャーブレッドクッキー クリスマスに生のショウガで簡単 ついでにアイシング ─ MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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Posted by
Han Book
6:32 AM