We sealed both ends of a straw with heat and trapped Haribo gummy bears in jelly. We've always wanted to try making a cute, colorful frozen treat similar to Otter Pops. This one doesn't have a cute character printed on it, and the size and filling are nothing like an Otter Pop, but we still had fun making it.
If left overnight, the jelly softens the texture of the gummy bears. It's probably tasty frozen, too! These treats would be great for a camping trip. Although we've never talked about camping before...
1. Take a thick straw, like the kind that come with tapioca drinks, and crush both ends.
2. Pinch one end shut with a pair of needle-nose pliers.
3. Heat with a lighter (like a Chakkaman). Take extra care to make sure the corners are sealed.
4. Remove the needle-nose pliers after the plastic hardens. You can keep the heated plastic pinched between the pliers until it cools and hardens. (The pliers will leave a striped pattern.)
5. Insert the gummy bears. You'll need about 9-10 of them. Keep in mind that only mini-sized gummy bears will fit.
Making the jelly liquid:
6. Place 5g of agar (a gelling agent made from seaweed and common in homemade cakes) into a pot.
7. Add 30g of sugar and mix well.
8. Slowly add 250ml of water while mixing.
9. After the agar has fully dissolved, apply heat.
10. Bring the mixture to a rapid boil, then turn off the heat.
11. Let the mixture cool for a bit.
12. Pour the mixture into the straw. Be careful, though! If the mixture is hot, it will melt your gummy bears.
13. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to seal the other end of the straw.
14. Let cool and harden in the refrigerator.
15. Cut off the end of the straw and enjoy.
It takes a bit of strength to squeeze out the contents. (TдT) This might be too difficult for little ones, so please help them out!
ストローの両端を熱で閉じて、ハリボーのくまさんたちをゼリーにとじこめてみました。“OTTER POPS”みたいにカラフルでかわいいスティック状の冷たいお菓子を前から作ってみたかった妄想グルメ。かわいいキャラクターたちも印刷されてないし、大きさや中身も“OTTER POPS”とは、かなり違うけれど、楽しんで作りました。このゼリー、一晩たつとハリボーが柔らかくなって食感がかわります。凍らせてもおいしいかも!キャンプに持っていくのもいいかも。あ、妄想グルメはキャンプには言ったことないんですけどね。
6.鍋にアガー(今回は共立食品のホームメイドケーキ 海藻から生まれたゼリーの素 アガーを使いました)を5gを入れる。
7.砂糖 30gを入れ、よく混ぜる。
8.水 250mlを少しずつ混ぜながら加える。
15.ストローをハサミで空け、食べる。絞りだすのにちょっと力がいります(TдT) チビちゃんには無理かもです。手伝ってあげてください。
Straw Life Hack: Haribo Gummy Bears Trapped in a Straw ライフハック ハリボーグミをストローにとじこめちゃいました ─ Hey! It's Mosogourmet!! あっ、 妄想グルメだ!

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Posted by
Han Book
1:36 AM